
The curriculum is divided into four sections, each with courses tailored in content and timing for one of four audiences:

Senior management (CEO’s, E&P Vice Presidents, Technology Vice Presidents, etc.)

Technical management (Technology Vice Presidents, Directors, Team Leaders, etc.)

Technical Geoscience Staff(technically-oriented geoscientists, mostly seismic experts)

Operational Geoscience Staff(operations-oriented geoscientists/interpreters, mostly exploration and production experts)

Each of these courses is offered, at a time and place of convenience to the requestor, upon negotiation with the instructor(s).

To start an email discussion of an offering of any of these courses, including applicable fees, Click here.

EM in E&P 1: For senior management (1 hour)

This course is designed for senior management, giving them the concepts they need to ask the right questions when their technical staff considers applying EM to their portfolio. It is focused at the strategic level, not the technical or operational level.

Topics covered

- Economic benefits of modern EM in exploration and production

- EM as a complement to seismic technology

- A brief history of EM successes and failures

- Subsurface/surface contexts where CSEM is appropriate, and where not

- Discussion of strategy for utilization of EM in an effective program of E&P

This course is offered free of charge in Houston (USA) or in Trondheim (NO), upon request.
Elsewhere, it is offered for a nominal fee, plus direct expenses.

EM in E&P 2.x: For technical management (each module:1/2 day)

For technical managers, a first course provides an overview; subsequent courses provide more detail about specific technologies and their applications.

EM in E&P 2.0

A technical overview of all of EM in E&P. Provides the technical manager with basic concepts and business drivers for utilizing EM in an effective program of E&P.

- Principles of EM

- History of EM in the petroleum industry

- Elements of borehole EM

- Elements of magnetotellurics (MT: natural-source EM)

- Elements of land Controlled-Source EM

- Elements of marine CSEM

- HSE issues

The following 7 modules (each ? day in duration) provide deeper details for the technical manager. Each focuses on a particular EM technology; it is likely that few managers will have needs, in their portfolio, for all of these. (However, it is unlikely that few managers will not have needs, in their portfolios, for any of them.)

- EM in E&P 2.1: Technical overview of marine continuous-source CSEM ("SBL")

- EM in E&P 2.2: Technical overview of marine impulsive-source CSEM

- EM in E&P 2.3: Technical overview of land CSEM

- EM in E&P 2.4: Technical overview of MT

- EM in E&P 2.5: Technical overview of borehole EM

- EM in E&P 2.6: Technical overview of cross-borehole EM

- EM in E&P 2.7: Technical overview of surface-to-borehole EM

In each case, the topics will include:

- Principles of EM

- Suitable E&P applications

- Survey design

- Survey logistics

- Elements of processing

- Elements of inversion

- Elements of interpretation

- Case histories

EM in E&P 3.x: For technical geoscientists(each module: 1 day)

The following 7 modules (each 1 day in duration) provide deeper details for the technical geoscientist. Each focuses on a particular EM technology; it is likely that few geoscientists will have needs, in their job description, for all of these. These courses generally require a stronger mathematical background than the corresponding courses for managers.

- EM in E&P 3.1: Marine continuous-source CSEM ("SBL")

- EM in E&P 3.2: Marine impulsive-source CSEM

- EM in E&P 3.3: Land CSEM

- EM in E&P 3.4: Magnetotellurics (MT: natural source EM)

- EM in E&P 3.5: Borehole EM

- EM in E&P 3.6: Cross-borehole EM

- EM in E&P 3.7: Surface-to-borehole EM

In each case, the topics will include:

- Principles of EM

- Suitable E&P applications

- Survey design

- Survey logistics

- Elements of processing

- Elements of inversion

- Case histories

EM in E&P 4.x: For operational geoscientists (each module: 1/2 day)

The following 7 modules (each 1/2 day in duration) provide deeper details for the operational geoscientist and interpreter. Each focuses on a particular EM technology; it is likely that few geoscientists will have needs, in their job description, for all of these. These courses generally require less mathematical background than the corresponding courses for technical geoscientists.

- EM in E&P 4.1: Marine continuous-source Controlled Source EM ("SBL")

- EM in E&P 4.2: Marine impulsive-source CSEM

- EM in E&P 4.3: Land CSEM

- EM in E&P 4.4: Magnetotellurics (MT: natural source EM)

- EM in E&P 4.5: Borehole EM

- EM in E&P 4.6: Cross-borehole EM

- EM in E&P 4.7: Surface-to-borehole EM

In each case, the topics will include:

- Principles of EM

- Suitable E&P applications

- Survey design

- Survey logistics

- Elements of interpretation

- Case histories