Our Press Release includes items directly related to the Company itself and our product offerings, Examples are: Company management changes, products and services, awards, important business related items specific to the Company. See presentation and publications pages for presentation details.
November Antalya Turkey workshop: Energy transtion applictaion of fluid imaging
October 2023: GRC conference Reno; Exploration of Ain Al-Harrah-Al-Lith Geothermal Field in Saudi Arabia Using EM Methods
September 2023: Schmucker-Weidelt Kolloqium Germany: High power CSEM for CO2-monitoring in North Dakota verification to log scale
August 2023 IMAGE 2023 (SEG): CCUS special session: Reservoir plume imaging with Controlled Source Electromagnetics
Multi-physics post convention workshop: Multi-physics application for the energy transition
August 2023: Chines EM induction workshop CIGEW, Shenzhen. CO2 plume monitoring: Achieving log scale resolution with high power CSEM/MT
June 2023: SPWLA annual conference Lake Conroe: CCUS plume monitoring: Verifying surface CSEM measurements to log scale
April 2023 CCUS Houston, KMS presents: CO2 plume imaging with CSEM: Workflow & calibration to borehole scale
October 4.2022
SPE Houston, Session 33: KMS presents: Surface-to-borehole electromagnetics using an array system: A case study for CO2 monitoring and the energy transition
August 30. 2022
SEG IMAGE'22 Houston, EMRS 1 session. KMS presents: CSEM fluid monitoring methodology using real data examples
August 28-31.2022
Geothermal Rising, Reno Nevada. KMS presents: New High-Power Controlled Source Electromagnetic System for Geothermal Applications
June 28-29. 2022
Hydrocarbon Exploration Workshop: KMS presents: 40 years of CSEM and seismic integration.
June 2022
KMS presents paper at European SEG Advisory Group workshop on CCUS: Using CSEM for CCUS.
May 2022
KMS presents paper at OTC: Cloud-Based Array Electromagnetics Contributing to Zero Carbon Footprint.
April 2022
KMS presents at KFUPM lectures on advanced CSEM and applications to energy transition
April 2022
KMS presents to SEAM team : Using electromagnetics for CCUS: A workflow to success.
November - December 2021
KMS presents at SPWLA chapters in Houston (3D anisotropic resistivty upscaling) and Abu Dhabi (Flood front mapping carrbonates).
November 2021
KMS presents at GSH Fall Symposium on using High power CSEM for Energy Transition.
KMS presents at the EAGE Latin America Near Surface workshop (Keynote on electromagnetics in Latin America, and Passive & Active EM for carbon footprint reduction)
October 2021
KMS presents on array electromagnetics for fluid monitoring at Balkan Geophysical Society.
September 2021
KMS presents at Society of Exploration Geophysicists Annual Meeting on CO2 monitoring and high power CSEM transmitter.
February 3.2021
KMS President presents Advanced Electromagnetic for Geothermal / Hydrocarbon applications. PART 3: Making a career in geophysics: Presentation video on SEG YouTube channel
November 2020
KMS President presents Advanced Electromagnetic for Geothermal / Hydrocarbon applications. PART 2 Applications November 3. 2020
Presentation video on SEG youtube channel
July 2020
KMS President presents Advanced Electromagnetic for Geothermal / Hydrocarbon applications. PART 1 Applications November 3. 2020
Available at SEG youtube channel:
October 2019
KMS President present a lecture on Advanced Electromagnetics at KFUPM in Saudi Arabia Press release link
August 2019
KMS President present "Geophysics for Humanitarian applications" Science lecture at South University of technology in Shenzhen, China )Press release link
May to August 2019
KMS President ADVANCED ELECTROMAGNETICS lecture in Germany, Wuhan and Shenzhen.
June 2018
KMS presents Electromagnetics for hydrocarbon/geothermal exploration at EM Induction workshop in Copenhagen (June 12.)
May 2018
KMS carried our EZ MT training in Sabah Malaysia.
February 2018
KMS presents keynote at ISMAA Kolkata, India
Fall 2017
Short course at geophysical conferences
KMS Technologies is given short courses the Balkan Geophysical Society in Antalya, The Chinese EM Induction workshop in Wuhan and at the Indian Society Petroleum Engineers in Jaipur meetings. Topic: EM for hydrocarbon & Geothermal applications.
August 2017
AAPG Explorer feature status of electromagnetics in the industry. (Interview of KMS staff)
March 2016
KMS Technologies is focusing more on 3D modeling as part of their product offering by hiring D. S Davydycheva and Dr. M. Smirnov. Apart from enhancing the integrated products, they will also set a new direction for 3D modeling services. Sonya has already been working in the past as consultant for KMS-KJT and is now Manager, 3D modeling. Maxim has been upgrading KMS's magnetotelluric processing capability. Together they will enhance the integration of our CSEM monitoring and borehole tool design efforts.
full Press Release text
December 2015
KMS Technologies – KJT Enterprises received a long term contract for reservoir monitoring and new technology development in SE Asia using its patented array system CSEM technology. After undergoing extensive testing in the U.S., the equipment is now being semi-permanently installed in a producing oil field.
The objective is to improve the recovery factor and link borehole and surface measurements.
July 13, 2015 – Houston, TX KMS Technologies – KJT Enterprises is rolling out a propriety microseismic and electromagnetic reservoir monitoring system. The system utilizes patented technology to provide customers the ability to visualize real time fluid changes in a reservoir.
The system is designed to monitor a range of dynamic changes from flood front, heavy oil production, reservoir seal integration, and reservoir issues associated with unconventional reservoirs. It is scalable from an ‘entry level’, which has approximately 200 channels and collects microseismic and electromagnetic data (Control Source EM) in the same units (wireless nodes), to an unlimited channel count. The EM transmitter (grounded dipole or loop) starts with a 100 KVA version.
The system can be installed semi-permanent and permanent and tailored to the optimum operation delivering significant cost reduction.
July 2015
KMS Technologies finally received the patent for its array system which includes distributed multi-method data acquisition in wireless and wired mode.
Jiang, J., Aziz, A.A., Liu, Y., and Strack. K.M., 2015, Geophysical acquisition system, US 9,057,801.
This now completes KMS portfolio to include FULL FIELD ElectroMagnetics for monitoring applications including borehole, land and marine technologies.
The picture show the KMS President awarding the patent to John Jiang the key inventor.
June 2015
KMS shows various product updates at the EAGE in Madrid.
KMS-831 is now fully operation as 3 and 6 channel sub-acquisition system. It allows expansion of the KMS-820 nodes to unlimited channels and also enables fully synchronized multi-sensor, multi-band MT recording for more details read
KMS-200 MT QA/QC software has been updated and inversion capability added for on site processing. for more details read
The first 200 channel reservoir monitoring system has been field tested including a 100 KVA transmitter. see reservoir monitoring data sheet (news to follow)
late 2014 for 2013
KMS discloses that they have a strategic capability development MOU with PTTEP. This is based on the unique technology & patent portfolio of KMS covering borehole and surface geophysics for fluid imaging. Since the signing in 2013, 3 projects have been carried out and will be followed by the world's FIRST microseismic/EM monitoring pilot later in 2015.
In 2014 KMS carried out Reservoir monitoring training for PTTEP staff, followed by 3D feasibility and test measurements above the reservoir. Subsequently, a 195 channel, 100 KVA reservoir monitoring system was manufactured. Further proprietary projects are in progress.
The picture is showing senior PTTEP staff and KMS President. Dr Chalermkiat (PTTEP) and Dr. Strack (KMS) holding the signed document.
August 2014
KMS present the new Ocean Bottom marine system prototype at the Weimar EM induction workshop. The marine system is for broadband seismic and broadband electromagnetics for deep water applications (6 km water depth).
for more details see the KMS 870 data sheet.
August 2014
KMS Technologies participates in the EM Induction workshop in Weimar, Germany. Apart from being a sponsor of the workshop, KMS will have a booth and also present a workshop before the workshop. The title is: EM for exploration and Production. OVER 45 registrant have registered for the workshop. Dr. G. Egbert of Modem geophysics will teach the part of EM modeling.
May / June 2014
NEW products at the EAGE 2014
KMS participates at the EAGE in Amsterdam with NEW PRODUCTS. Booth 3334
NEW PRODUCTS: Mini-MT- in ONE suitcase; Ocean bottom broad band seismic/EM receiver; High power transmitter, and Reservoir Monitoring and last but not least 3D MT modeling and inversion (license and inversion services). Please go to the respective services or hardware pages or find the data sheet in the Info Archive.
- Mini-MT is a low cost entry magnetotelluric system that uses a small footprint 3C fluxgate magnetometer as magnetic sensors. It records from DC to 180 Hz. The entire system (minus battery) fits in ONE suitcase. The Mini-Mt is package as system with pre-processing software. See the data sheet & banner
- The high power 100 KVA transmitter can be used to drive grounded dipole and loop sources. It is the results of over 30 years of field experience. See the data sheet
Apart from the 3D modeling/inversion license KMS also provides3D interpretation services for MT and CSEM in alliance with ModEM Geophysics Inc..
- The 3D MT and CSEM modeling services allow you to do a prospect in a controlled cost manner using our fixed price offer. Once a convergent and satisfactory model has been found, we include post-processing support for 12 months with up to 4 re-runs of the 3D model. that allows you to integrate your geophysical model with your geological model. See the data sheet
- We are providing a 3D modeling and inversion code license for ModEM. See the data sheet
- For KMS customers we are offering use of our 3D cluster with 128 Xenon cores
Reservoir monitoring services including EM and microseismic hardware round off the portfolio.
- Feasibility study leading to pilot monitoring See the data sheet & banner
Commissioning of 10 KMS 820 MT system completed in Kenya.
January 2014
KMS complete the commissioning and the training in Kenya with one of the largest geothermal companies.
SGS awarded KMS contract to develop marine magnetotelluric system based on KMS820
January 15. 2014
SGS awarded KMS the contract to build the prototype of their sea floor magnetotelluric system. The system will be based on KMS 820 architecture and components with sea floor modifications.
KMS CEO: This is a major milestone in getting back into the marine market.
KMS forms alliance with ModEM Inc. in 3D MT/CSEM modeling
January 5., 2014
After 3 years of collaboration, KMS has formed an alliance ModEM Inc., a spin-off of OSU, under direction of Prof. Dr. G. Egbert. Under the alliance KMS would provide with ModEM 3D MT and CSEM modeling services and software. The team has used the one of the KMKS cluster server for the past projects with great success. For more information see our services Tab.
FIRST Geothermal well logged with MR-ML in New Mexico
KMS's MR-ML (trademark) system was used to log porosity for the geothermal well in New Mexico. The logs match the wireline well.
Quote: M. Albrecht, TBA President
For me MR-ML was the most cost effective alternative to coring - MR-ML together with geophysical logging including borehole wall imaging, comes as close as it gets to pulling cores without actually doing it.
New productivity accessories for KMS-820 microseismic/EM acquisition system
December 2014
KMS complete field testing on accessories for the array acquisition system: WIFI chip allowing ad hoc and server mode; KMS-029 3 C fluxgate sensor; KMS-831 32 bit digital interface, Acquisition software now on Apple mac book air
KMS 820- WIFI is allows standard WIFI in addition to the long range wireless; It allows point-to-point (ad hoc) mod access direct from any WIFI device. In addition, it can be used in server mode whee it connects to a server and can be accessed from anywhere via the Internet. The later is good for monitoring.
KMS-029 is a 3-component fluxgate magnetometer which similar to the cost of a single coil. It has a bandwidth to 180 Hz and for MT purposes we have been able to get superior noise behavior up to 10 Hz. The fluxgate sensor allows you to eliminate digging for the vertical coil which is a big time saving in hard rock. In addition the fluxgate sensor goes to DC with superior noise performance from 0.1 Hz down.
KMS-831 is a digital interface that allows time synchronous recording with proper phase measurements compared to the analog channels (important for MT). It allows to extend the KMS-820 with multiple 32 bit sensors. Each KMS 831 can connect to 3 sensors and to another KMS-831.
Apple control software interface for the KMS-820 is now available and tested via a virtual Windows App. This App. also allows the generation of an IOS client which give you full control over the KMS-820 on IOS devices such as IPAD and IPHONE. Apple laptops tend to have longer battery life, are more rugged and more reliable than PC devices and compared with a special rugged PC significantly cheaper.
KMS to give workshop at SPG India on Nov. 22. 2013
KMS announced that KMS staff will be giving a short course " Electromagnetic methods for hydrocarbon exploration" in India in Kochi as pre-convention workshop on Nov. 22. KMS will also have a booth at the conference,c hair a session and present present keynote talks.
workshop link:
See us at Booth 41 at SPG India in Kochi Nov 23-25
KMS announces the MINI-MT - complete low cost entry magnetotelluric system
KMS announced at the Geothermal Energy Expo 2013 in Las Vegas a new compact magnetotelluric system based on the KMS 820 architecture. The system includes the 32-bit KMS 029 fluxgate magnetometers, electrodes and software.
Read more
The Leading Edge March 2013: Recognition of KMS CEO for establishing two SEG scholarships
The SEG foundation recognized KMS CEO at the Annual Meeting in Las Vegas. Strack was recognized for his gift of a five-year, $10,000-a-year scholarship in honor of his colleague, Ulrich Schmucker In addition, Strack recruited another group of supporters to create a second, $10,000-a-year scholarship in honor of George Keller. Both scholarships will be first awarded in 2013.
A true GIANT in electromagnetic passes George V. Keller
George Keller was a "major force in applied electrical geophysics" who will be much missed, His work as early as the 1960s is still of importance today when Electromagnetics has finally found a place in the exploration community.
"George Keller was a pioneer in the research of applied electrical geophysics in mineral exploration. One of his books that he co-authored with his colleague, Frank C. Frischknecht (Electrical method in geophysical prospecting) has become a standard reference in applied electrical geophysics. In his career, he served as a principle researcher at U.S. Geological Survey (1952-1963), Colorado School of Mines (1964- 1993). He also served as translation editor of the journal "Soviet Mining Science,"(1965-1994).
His extensive publication in geophysics includes 200 technical papers, books and texts. In the early stages of his career, he was working on the detection and identification of handguns and it has led to the award of U.S. Patent 5552705 in 1996. Dr. Keller’s last position was president and Chief Scientist at StrataSearch Corp.
His students and colleague have pledge already funds to establish a scholarship in Electrical geophysics. For details see our page on George V. Keller.
Read more on "In memory of George V. Keller" page
Dr. Kurt Strack is giving a seminar "Advances in integrated EM for geothermal exploration" at the University of California
Electromagnetic methods are used routinely for geothermal exploration worldwide. During the past 10 years, 3D electromagnetic acquisition and interpretation methods have helped with deriving more realistic geological models. Magnetotellurics (MT) is the most commonly used EM methods. We show 3 case histories where 3D and 2D acquisition and interpretation are carried out.
Time: 3:00 pm, Pacific Daylight Time (GMT -07:00, San Francisco)
World Oil May 2011: KMS technologies is featured in What's new in exploration column
Underutilized EM technologies become more adaptable, affordable
Electromagnetic (EM) systems are rarely discussed or used for exploration in the US but have been in continuous use elsewhere in the world. EM is excellent for basin reconnaissance, producing accurate depth to basement, which is not always as obvious on seismic. Time-domain EM can be used to provide static corrections for seismic. Magnetotellurics (MT) shows great promise in high-resistivity formations, penetrating basalt to image underlying sedimentary rock, and in reservoir modeling, to monitor a flood front from the surface. If today’s electromagnetic technology can be used to better constrain plays, it can reduce exploration risk.
Transient Geo-Electromagnetics book is available from EAGE
This book is a great summary of time domain electromagnetics. It also explains how time domain EM is related to induced polarization in a badly needed clarity. In the last decade time domain electromagnetics has been reinvented in the context of hydrocarbon exploration and many ideas from previous decades were restarted, in many instances without remembering the prior achievements. Euro 100 for EAGE members and Euro 110 for non-members. For more details, please visit
KMS Technologies sponsors the 7th International Marine Electromagnetic Conference (MARELEC), June 20 - June 23 2011, San Diego ,California, USA.
KMS Technologies is proudly sponsoring the 7th International Marine Electromagnetic Conference (MARELEC). The company is also going to be one of the exhibitors to promote their latest products. Come and see us at Stand 13.
KMS Technologies participated in 5th International Conference on Applied Geophysics
The Conference was held at Phuket, Thailand, on November 11-13, 2010.
KMS Technologies participated in 21st ASEG-PESA Conference and Exhibition
The Conference was held in Sydney, Australia, on August 22-26, 2010.
KMS Technologies participated in the 2nd Annual Innovative GeoScienceTechnologies Symposium
The Symposium will be held in Denver, Colorado, on May 19, 2010.
KMS Technologies participated in the 2010 World Geothermal Congress in Bali, Indonesia
New Energy Future being nurtured in Bali. As the ministers, dignitaries and experts from different countries gather in Bali to participate in the World Geothermal Congress and Exhibition 2010 from 25-30 April 2010, the stage is set for exchange of ideas and sharing of experiences not only on technical and financing aspects but also on policy and global politics of the energy sector.

KMS Technologies will participate in the 2010 GSH Spring
The GSH/SEG Spring Symposium will take place on March 10-11, 2010. It is a two-day symposium of invited and contributed papers on recent advances in geophysical technology, especially in the areas of data processing theory and algorithms.
Geothermal exploration using AMT/MT and gravity techniques in Hungary
Hungary is one of the most promising countries in Europe for utilization of low-temperature (<150° C) geothermal energy because of its high thermal gradient reaching almost 122° F/.6 mile (50° C/km) over most of the country. The high gradient is mainly caused by a relatively thin layer of Earth's crust in that area and partly due to the non-permeable lower Pannonian sediment layer that covers a large part of the country.
KMS Technologies participated in the 8th International Conference & Exposition on Petroleum Geophysics, Feb. 2010, Hyderabad, India.
KMS will participate in the 8th International Conference & Exposition on Petroleum Geophysics organized by the Society of Petroleum Geophysicist. The conference will take place in Hyderabad, India from February 1 -3, 2010. KMS staff will participate by lecturer in one of the workshops organized for this event. To find out more about our latest products and technology updates, visit us on Booth #96.
Dr. Strack also taught the short course. EM for Petroleum applications
Read more picture
KMS Technologies provides industry education in EM for Petroleum
KMS Technologies offers to the industry a comprehensive curriculum of education in EM methods in E&P. The courses can be tailored to the target audience and are taught by world renowned experts.
In recent years, EM methods successfully reduced E&P risk. However, a significant impediment to the profitable use of EM in E&P is a critical shortage of EM expertise on the technical staff, and within the management, of the operating companies who could use this technology in their core businesses. To address this problem, KMS Technologies undertakes to offer a comprehensive curriculum of education in EM methods to E&P professionals and managers, at all levels of expertise.
E&P interviews Kurt Strack, Founder of KMS Technologies
The founder of KMS Technologies is continuing to push the envelope of electromagnetic (EM) technology. E & P asked Dr. Strack to answer a few questions about his company and the EM industry.
KMS Technologies is proud sponsor of the 23rd Colloquium in Deep Electromagnetic Sounding, Sept. 28 - Oct. 2, 2009, Germany
The colloquium promotes scientific exchange between colleagues interested in research of electric and electromagnetic methods in geophysics. We invite contributions on theoretical aspects, project work addressing aerodynamic or applied topics, and new ideas on experimental concepts or instrumentation. Geophysics students are particularly welcome.
The Economic Report features KMS Technologies
03.17.2009KMS Technologies activities in the current industrial environment.
KMS Technologies completes participation buy-in by employees
KMS Technologies have completed an employee participation in the company. This enables the company to build on its existing growth and become a major player on reservoir monitoring technology applications for the oil industry. This transaction is a strong endorsement for further development of the company’s unique ability to nurture and exploit intellectual capital and technology and to have more control in the company’s future. It also provides great motivation to the participating employees for the exciting times to come.