Humanitarion help for Ukraine

KMS is informing about our team of > 30 scientists and engineers in Lviv, Ukraine

At this time they are all well and continue to work. Almost all want to stay as they have family in the army and are dedicated to the country. Work continues while the threat of war is imminent.

The Laboratory of Electromagnetic Innovations (LEMI) was founded in 2008 and then transferred into a joint venture with KMS Technologies to
focus on the development and production of high-quality electromagnetic (EM) sensors for the geophysical industry. LEMI is located in Lviv, Ukraine.

The mission of the joint venture is to produce the highest quality geophysical EM sensors with the lowest noise figure on the market, at competitive prices. The primary product lines are low noise EM induction coil magnetometers and custom fluxgate magnetometers. These sensors will be optimized for use in marine and land magnetotelluric (MT) and controlled source EM (CSEM) measurements.



  • KMS is preparing to support families of the LEMI team going to the West (Germany)
    • We started preparation for the first refugees
  • Our GOAL is to help LEMI to keep working
    • If the can stay in Lviv to support them from outside
    • If they have to leave to find the a place where they can continue as team
    • If they have to split up to help individually to find a place where they can use their skill in the best way.

We started a GO FUND ME campaign: Link

KMS will ensure the support will only go to humanitarian purposes.