
3-D EM Modeling and Inversion

3-D tCSEM™ modeling            3-D fCSEM modeling and inversion            3-D MT modeling and inversion

KMS Technologies has access to a variety of in-house and external3D electromagnetic tools that are used for feasibility studies. We select usually the right tools for the task on hand. In 3D modeling that often includes a significant amount of benchmarking. We use finite element, integral equations and also finite difference codes depending upon the benchmarking process. Here, we we are just giving an overview over the type of modeling tools we use.

Note that these tools often vary from our 3D modeling and inversion services.

3-D tCSEM™ modeling

KMS Technologies – KJT Enterprises Inc. and their alliance partner have developed a new software package to conduct 3-D land/marine time domain Control Source ElectroMagnetics modeling (tCSEM™) studies for oil companies. The 3-D TEM modeling software uses the method of volumetric integral equations, and can calculate arbitrary 3-D resistivity model TEM response in piecewise media. The arbitrary 3-D resistivity model can be built by using two or multiple horizon surfaces from seismic interpretation. The modeling software uses a wire dipole current source and calculates the TEM responses of six components over the 3-D resistivity model. The software also allows importing observed data and can be used for the 3-D interpretation by manual fitting of a model to the observed data.

Main features of 3-D TEM modeling software:

  • Media parameters for each layer: thickness, resistivity, etc.

  • Dipole current source and 6 components of TEM model responses

  • Importing observed data: different components of TEM field

  • Variety of the tools for modeling and data visualization

  • Large collection of the tools for a model editing

  • 3-D and 2-D model presentation

3-D fCSEM modeling and inversion

KMS Technologies – KJT Enterprises Inc. and their alliance partners have developed a new software packages to conduct 3-D land/marine frequency domain Control Source ElectroMagnetics modeling (fCSEM) study for oil companies. The 3-D fCSEM forward modeling uses the method of volumetric integral equations, and can calculate the EM responses on multiple arbitrary 3-D resistivity models in piecewise media. The arbitrary 3-D resistivity model can be built by using two or multiple horizon surfaces from seismic interpretation. The forward modeling software uses line source and calculates the EM responses of six components over the 3-D resistivity model. The inversion module can invert the observed data and obtain the model parameters for simple 3-D model.

Main features of 3-D fCSEM modeling software:

  • Create arbitrary 3-D resistivity models from seismic and logging data

  • Line current source and model responses of 6 EM components

  • Importing observed data: different components of EM field data

  • Calculate plane wave resistivity and phase

  • 3-D and 2-D model presentation

  • Inversion of 3-D model

3-D MT modeling and inversion

KMS Technologies – KJT Enterprises Inc. and their alliance partners have developed a software packages to conduct 3-D land/marine MT modeling and inversion for oil companies. The 3-D MT forward modeling uses the finite difference method and it has been paralyzed to run on the PC Cluster system. We also have another 3-D EM modeling program using the contraction integral equation (CIE) method for 3-D model with inhomogeneous background conductivity. Our 3-D MT inversion module is based on the improved RRI (Rapid Relaxation Inversion) algorithm, and it has also been implemented for PC Cluster system. For 3-D CSAMT (Controlled Source Audio-Magnetotelluric) data inversion, our software is based on the principal impedance inversion and the quasi-analytical approximation method.

Main features of 3-D MT modeling and inversion software:

  • Calculate multi-arbitrary 3-D resistivity model MT response

  • Calculate arbitrary distributing stations MT response

  • Create complex models from seismic and logging data

  • Calculate model responses with topography

  • Integrated interpretation of 3-D MT and seismic data use Landmark or other seismic data interpretation systems

  • Inversion of large size 3-D model