KMS 500 series transmitter

KMS Technologies staff has well over 30 years transmitter development experience from as low as 2 KVA to 1 MegaWatt. In the 1990s we changed our design philosophy from using high power to using more dynamic range on the receiver side. Since the Teamex seismic/EM acqusition system in the 1990 we now have the array system KMS 820 with almost unlimited channel count. We developed the system from Lotem only in the 1990s to now mostly magnetotellurics (MT) and also CSEM in frequency and time domain. The transmitter and receiver improvement is so drastic that the old Lotem definition with large offsets is no longer necessary and the transmitter and receiver can almost be at the same location for time domain. For frequency domain you still need the geometry to achieve greater depth.

The next step for routine deep exploration is using high power again to ensure minimum filtering on the receiver side.

We have Marine Transmitters: (transition zone, ship borne, and deep towed). Except for the transition zone, we build these only for selective customers.

For land we have:

- KMS 500 - transition zone: low voltage high current transmitter

- KMS 5100 - our standard 100KVA transmitter based on 30 years of experience

- KMS 5200 - 200 KVA transmitter with high redundant operational and environmenatl safety (customer specifc)

- KMS 5500 - 500 KVA transmitter - same as KMS 5200 with higher power (customer specifc)

Here, we are introducing only the standard product line tranmitter KMS 500 and KMS 5100.

KMS 5.100 CSEM Transmitter (land)

The KMS-5100 TEM land transmitter is developed to provide a controlled current source for geophysical exploration techniques including frequency domain (CSEM & CSAMT) Time Domain EM (LOTEM), and Time Domain Induced Polarization (IP). It is based on 30 years experience and continued field use.

  • Maximum power output: 100 kW, controlled with linear fast ramp.
  • Works with almost any input voltage source
  • GPS synchronized timing control for transmitter signal measurement.
  • Long-range wireless for remote control and monitoring.
  • Linear ramp better than 5 μs turn off characteristic.
  • Bi-polar reversing ramp time < 20 5 μs
  • Suitable for Time domain EM (TDEM or LOTEM), Induced polarization (IP) (time domain) etc. with target depth of 600 m and deeper.
  • Ideal for deep EM geophysical applications (several kilometers)
  • Ruggedized design for field operations (several units) or in one ruggedized transport case
  • Suitable for variety methods, monitoring data on SD card. Unit includes KMS 810 or 820 as controller, cables and sensors.
  • Transmitter operation procedures/schedules are downloaded through wireless/USB interface or pre-saved to the SD card.


KMS 500 CSEM Transmitter (transition zone)

The KMS-500 CSEM transmitter is used for Controlled Source ElectroMagmetic (CSEM) geophysical applications. It is optimized for TCSEMT (Transient Controlled Source ElectroMagnetic) applications in shallow water and transition zone but can be used for most electromagmnetic methods. It is normally used shallow water marine and conductive environment land applications where standard land transmitters fail. In particular when coastal effects need to be understood and reference sites established, this transmitter is an essential component. The unit includes an acquisition module with up to 6 channels.

CSEM applications:
- Time and frequency domain land reference transmitter (shallow water surveys)
- Transition zone and shallow water transmitter
- Transmitter applications where source signature monitoring is required
- Reservoir monitoring
- Source controller & environmental  monitor

Product Specifications:

Maximum output current 70 A (up to several hundred amperes optional)
Maximum output voltage 40 V
Current turn on time 2 mS
Current turn off time 200 uS
Timing control GPS synchronized
Current recording A/D 24-bit
Current recording sampling rate Up to 100KHz
Timing control GPS synchronized
On-board temperature measurement Yes
Heat sink temperature monitoring Yes
Wireless network up to 8 km (5 miles) depending on terrain;
unlimited with relaying mode
Data saving and retrieving Data on SD card; transfer via USB without removing the SD card
Data monitoring Data can be read back through USB port or wireless network for real-time waveform display or quality check
Equipment size 21" (W) X 25" (H) X 24" (D)
Equipment weight 68 Kg
Power supply 220 V AC
Temperature rating -30° C to 70° C