
Press Releases

Leon Thomsen joins KMS Technologies

01.12.2008: Dr. Leon Thomsen has joined KMS Technologies as an Executive Advisor. A recent past-President of the worldwide Society of Exploration Geophysicists, an honorary Member of the European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, and a Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Dr. Thomsen is well known in the petroleum industry as a leader in several areas of advanced geophysical technology.

In this new advisory role, he will help to guide KMS Technologies’ research on the emerging interface between seismics and electromagnetics, and will otherwise foster the understanding and growth of this major new technology. In this role he will be also spending a lot of time with KMS Technologies’ parent companies EMGS (the worldwide leader in marine electromagnetics), and RXT (the worldwide leader in Ocean Bottom Seismics). Dr. Thomsen, a recent retiree from a super major international oil company, is doing this work.

through his company, Delta Geophysics, which helps clients worldwide to create and apply advanced geophysical technology. Dr. Thomsen and his associates guide research and educate staff in the areas of seismic anisotropy, vector seismics, and other advanced seismic technologies to image and characterize the subsurface. The EM relationship with KMS echnologies is exclusive. About KMS Technologies: KMS Technologies (An EMGS/RXT company and a division of KJT Enterprises Inc. of Houston, Texas) focuses on advanced electromagnetic methods for the oil industry for improved hydrocarbon discovery and recovery rates. KMS staff includes world

recognized experts in the geosciences who have authored numerous publications/inventions and technologies and received several major awards for their technical work. Over the past eight years, KMS has taken EM technologies in borehole, marine and permanent installations from patents to

prototype field tests to services. To learn more, visit

About Delta Geophysics: Delta Geophysics of Houston, Texas and Mendocino, California is a boutique consultancy in advanced geophysical technology for the petroleum industry with seismic clients in four countries. To learn more, visit
