
We believe in a balance between meeting our business goals with the commitment to contribute back to the society.  


Advancing Geosciences

KMS Technologies is in alliance with partners and its shareholders fund various activities in our technical professional space. We provide funding in terms of scholarships and tuition for students pursuing Geoscience degree. The universities that receive funding are listed below.

1. University of Cologne
Alumni Association at the University of Cologne has launched a program in 2009 that provides students with 1-year scholarships. Annually, the Alumni Association holds the Get Together Ceremony where the scholarships are awarded. KMS Technologies has participated in the program since 2011. From the donations contributed by our shareholders, The Alumni Association has generously given the priorities for Geophysics students to receive scholarships.

Supporter plaque at University of Cologne: K-M. Strack mentioned

2011/2012 - 2 students have received scholarships from the donation contributed by KMS Technologies/K. Strack. The pictures from the ceremony can be found here.

Publication: Wittke, J., and B. Tezkan, 2014, Meshfree magnetotelluric modeling, Geophysical Journal International, 198, 1255-1268.

2012/2013 - 2 students have received scholarships from the donation contributed by KMS Technologies/K. Strack. The pictures from the ceremony can be found.

Marc Seidel - IP effects in TEM ........ appreciation letter

2013/2014 - 3 student will receive a scholarships based on donations contributed by K. Strack/KMS Technologies.

2014/2015 - 2 student are receiving Deutschland Stipendium contributed by K. Strack / KMS Technologies

2015/2016 - 2 student are receiving Deutschland Stipendium contributed by K. Strack / KMS Technologies

2016/2017 - 2 student are receiving Deutschland Stipendium contributed by K. Strack / KMS Technologies

2017/2018 - 2 student are receiving Deutschland Stipendium contributed by K. Strack / KMS Technologies

Christoph Liber - thank you letter

2018/2019 - 2 student are receiving Deutschland Stipendium contributed by K. Strack / KMS Technologies

Thank you evening by University of Cologne (link)

2019/2020 - 2 student are receiving Deutschland Stipendium contributed by K. Strack / KMS Technologies

2. University of Houston
Annually, we provide scholarships and tuition for selected students as well as give the donation in support of SEG Wavelets student geophysical organization.

2011/2012 - 2 students have received scholarships; 2 students have received tuition; $200 was donated to SEG Wavelets

2009-2012: One student received funded Ph.D. support.

3. IIT Roorkee India

KMS Technologies funded for several years a Ph.D. at Roorkee developing 3 D modeling code.

Krishna Kumar, Ph.D.: 3D simulation of MT data using FD Eigenmode method (PDF file), appreciation letter

4. Technische Universitaet Braunschweig

KMS funded scientific developments related to marine electromagnetics.

M. Bhatt Ph.D. thesis: Motion induced noise in marine electromagnetic data (PDF file) Thank you letter

Bhatt, K.M., A. Hoerdt, and T. Hanstein, 2009, Analysis of seafloor ,marine EM data with respect to motion-induced noise, 23rd Schmucker-Weidelt Kolloqium.

M. Buecker: Numerical simulation of bathymetry in marine TEM. Bachelor thesis (PDF file in German)

5. SEG scholarships

KMS Technologies facilitates scholarship in honor of pioneers in our field. Presently we are funding or co-funding via the SGE the following.

SEG summary 2014

1: SEG/Ulrich Schmucker Scholarship

A fellowship for somebody studying applied electrical geophysics.

To learn more go to

http://www.seg.org/web/foundation/programs/scholarship/available scholarships

2: SEG/George V. Keller graduate scholarship

A scholarship for somebody doing graduate work in Transient ElectroMagnetics. See the page in H.V. Keller's memory for more

6. Khon Kaen University

2016 - 2018

We funded an M.Sc. student in Geotechnology in his M.Sc. thesis with the topic: Land CSEM processing"

Paembonan, A.Y. R. Arjwech, S. Davydycheva, M. Smirnov, and K. Strack, 2017, An Application of LOTEM around Salt Dome near Houston, Texas, GeoEM 2017 conference Bandung Indonesia (paper submitted for publication, Expanded abstract, presentation)

M.Sc.. thesis (Paembonan, A.Y., 2018, An application of Long-Offset Transient Electromagnetics (Lotem) around a salt dome near Houston Texas, M.Sc. thesis, Khon Haen University.

Appreciation letter from A.Y. Paembonan