Voluntary service

As a responsible corporation, we believe in a balance between meeting our business goals with the commitment to contribute to the society. We actively engage in the areas of health and humanitarian to make a difference in the society.


1. MS150

BP's MS 150 Bike Adventure is a two-day cycling tour from Houston to Austin that raises funds to help people living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Each year, close to 13,000 bicyclists take to the streets to participate in the BP MS 150, an event that raises more than $11 million for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. The BP MS150 bike ride has become the largest sporting event of its kind in the nation and, since its inception in 1985, has raised over $47 million to help the fight against MS.

2. AIDS Foundation Houston
HIV/AIDS continues to pose a global healthcare challenge, particularly in the developing world. KMS Technologies has contributed regularly to the AIDS Foundation (AFH) since 2010 through AIDS Walk that is organized annually. It is an exciting 5km walk event that raises money for HIV/AIDS initiatives throughout Houston, increases community awareness and educates Houstonians about HIV/AIDS.  KMS Technologies joins other corporate organizations to  fight this preventable disease that is affecting so many individuals in Houston and the world.

“Every 7 hours a Houstonian is diagnosed with HIV.”
“It is estimated that 1 in 93 Houstonians is HIV positive.”
“More than 2 million children under the age of 15 are infected with HIV.”
“Every 35 minutes a woman tests positive for HIV in the United States.”

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